Online Check-in

Star Air provides Online Check-in to all its flights 24 hours or less than 24 hours before the scheduled departure.

  • Check-in and directly walk to boarding gate without any hassle.
  • You can also pre-book your seat of choice.
  • If there is any check-in baggage to be dropped, please drop the same at Check-in counter and collect the baggage tag.

Check-in at Counter

We are delighted to receive you at Check-in counter

  • Ensure that you carry a valid ID Proof at the counter.
  • Check-in your baggage and obtain a boarding pass and baggage tag (if any)
  • Proceed to Security and Boarding Gate.

Confirm Exit?

On exiting, all chat history will be cleared.

Star Air

Welcome to Star Air
We are happy to connect with you.
Please enter your 10 digit Mobile Number